The importance of exercise progression


The importance of exercise progression Author: Matt Whitaker, Digital Health Lead/6 June 2019 This blog covers the basic principles of exercise progression and is aimed at our typical programme participant and not highly trained individuals. Progression is defined as “the process of developing or moving…

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American Diabetes Association Nutrition Recommendations: One Size Doesn’t Fit All (and Low Carb is One of the Sizes that Might Fit)!


American Diabetes Association Nutrition Recommendations: One Size Doesn’t Fit All Dr. Sean Wheatley, PhD – Science and Research Lead/10 May 2019   The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently published a report providing an outline of their dietary guidance for people with prediabetes or diabetes. Although these…

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Fat Loss Plateaus and Troubleshooting


Fat Loss Plateaus and Troubleshooting Author Paul Hollinrake, Researcher & Trainer in Public Health/10 May 2019 Fat Loss Plateaus and Troubleshooting. The issues and debates around energy balance, that is calories in vs calories out (CICO) still remains a hot topic and has been discussed…

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Carbohydrate to Fibre Ratio


Carb to Fibre Ratio Author Nina Evans, Research & Trainer in Public Health/25 April 2019 Independently both low carbohydrate and higher fibre diets have been shown to be beneficial for patients with Type 2 diabetes. Therefore it can be assumed that dietary intake with a…

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Why should you preserve muscle when losing weight?


Why should you preserve muscle when losing weight? Author: Matt Whitaker, Digital Health Lead/11 April 2019 Body composition at the most base level is analysed by identifying contributing quantities of different elements. This however offers little in the way of practical use. The focus of…

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Acute and chronic inflammation


Acute and chronic inflammation Author Paul Hollinrake, Researcher & Trainer in Public Health/14 March 2019 Acute and chronic inflammation. Whilst most people often discuss inflammation in a negative light, acute inflammation is a normal short-lived response. In fact, it's a way your body protects itself…

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Glycaemic Index & Glycaemic Load


Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Load Author Nina Evans, Researcher & Trainer in Public Health/28 February 2019 Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Load. After consuming a meal, the available carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood stream, increasing blood glucose levels. However, not all carbohydrates are equal in…

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Can we be addicted to food?


Can we be addicted to food? Author: Matt Whitaker, Digital Health Lead/14 February 2019 The word addiction can be defined as being physically and/or mentally dependant on a particular substance. Notorious substances that can infamously cause addictions include: gambling, alcohol, drugs, sex and smoking. One…

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Quality over quantity? Why the need for nutrients might trump the need for energy when it comes to what causes hunger


Impact of nutrients on hunger Dr. Sean Wheatley, PhD – Science and Research Lead/31 January 2019  Why is this topic important? For many people managing health and weight is a priority, but it can also be a struggle. Understanding what causes hunger is key. This…

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Real versus Processed Food


Real versus Processed Food Author Paul Hollinrake, Researcher & Trainer in Public Health/17 January 2019 A diet that is energy dense and heavily processed is very easy to overconsume. Therefore if you are trying to manage your weight or lose body fat this is an…

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