Our core objective is to use education to help people prevent or self-manage diabetes.

We are proud of the success we have achieved in helping people reduce their medication and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. We are delighted to work with so many commissioners and have the opportunity to share our knowledge with so many people.

⦿ Over 300,000 patients educated nationwide on X-PERT programmes
⦿ X-PERT commissioned by over 100 different organisations
⦿ Potentially saving the NHS £367,000,000 through education not medication
⦿ BAME programme participants over 25%
⦿ Over 600 trained educators
⦿ Over 100 centres offering X-PERT programmes

Educator Feature: Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Educator Feature: Aylesbury Central Primary Care Network

Download our annual Audit Report December 2023

 We are incredibly proud to share our Audit Results 2023. Please click on the link above to download our latest annual Audit Report.

Participants have experienced amazing transformations. Our results have clinically demonstrated our programmes help people lose weight, improve their HbA1c, reduce medications and place conditions such as prediabetes and type 2 diabetes into remission.

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