Health Coaching: Diabetes Digital Programme
Get personalised 1:1 support from a Health Coach on our Diabetes Digital Programme. Hear how John transformed his health with help from our expert, Trudi Reeves.

Hear the full story here:
“John responded to an email I sent him offering health coaching after his GP referred him to the X-PERT Diabetes Digital programme. He had worked his way through the videos and the handbook and when my email landed he seized the opportunity to tailor this information to meet his individual needs and lifestyle.
On our first call I listened as he shared his history; although when working he was, as he described it ‘relatively healthy and active’ his retirement preceded the COVID lockdown when he indulged his passion for cooking – and eating. His weight ballooned by almost three stones as his activity levels dropped, as he described it, “due to family reasons life had become increasingly stressful and sleep patterns changed dramatically causing me to be tired most of the time”.
He had been invited to his GP’s surgery for an annual check and it was discovered he had developed type 2 diabetes, hypertension and fatty liver – all this worried him immensely. His GP advised him to lose weight, become more active, monitor his BP and find ways of reducing his stress levels. He also offered him various educational options and John chose to explore the X-PERT Diabetes Digital Programme which amongst other options offers 120 minutes individual health coaching via telephone or Zoom call.
During our initial call I asked what he wanted to achieve from the programme; he wanted to gain back control, to have a better understanding of diabetes and how food affects the body and to understand how he could address his stress levels and poor-quality sleep. We agreed a plan to have weekly calls in the initial stages to support his behaviour changes and experimentation as he discovered approaches that would fit with his lifestyle long term, then reducing frequency as he became more knowledgeable and confident.
John seemed to welcome the control he regained over his lifestyle and our weekly calls and occasional exchange of emails with attached food diaries or queries and sporadic text messages as his resolve floundered when under pressure, together with the support of his wife who joined our weekly call and was as keen as John to get their lifestyle back in order, resulted in promising results. Over the course of our consultations John shed 3 stone 10lb, his waist dropped from a bloated (as he described it) 36 inches to a trim 30 inches, he managed to reduce his HbA1c from 63mmol/l to 35mmo/l, his blood pressure was back in normal range together with his Liver Function Test which reported that fatty liver was no longer an issue.
This was two years ago and John still keeps in contact. His life has changed dramatically, he’s now an outward-bound instructor who takes groups all over the world helping them to achieve their goals. He’s managed to keep his weight down, his fitness levels up and all his health markers suggest his efforts have paid off – and he still loves cooking and eating great food!”
Discover more about the Diabetes Digital Programme here, and how we can support you.