Educate not medicate

X-PERT Health is an award-winning UK based charity. We aim to help transform people’s lives through inspirational diabetes, insulin and weight loss education programmes. We support people with prediabetes, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes (newly diagnosed or established), obesity, and anyone overweight.

The X-PERT Health Audit 2024 reveals compelling evidence of the positive impact of its diabetes management and wellbeing programmes. The full results are available here.

X-PERT stands for ‘Expert Education versus Routine Treatment’. Our programmes offer choice with flexible and personalised solutions. We believe that food-related education and wellbeing support helps make us all healthier.

According to recent data (Diabetes UK 2021-2022), it’s estimated that 4.3 million people in the UK live with diabetes, which is at an all-time high.
Additionally, 850,000 people could be living with diabetes who are yet to be diagnosed.
On average people living with diabetes only spend 3 hours a year with a healthcare professional. Most of these individuals manage their condition themselves. 

Proven Clinical Effectiveness: We pride ourselves on delivering effective approaches that help make a difference to people’s lives. Year-on-year our audit results have demonstrated that our programmes help people lose weight, improve their HbA1c, reduce medications and place conditions such as prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes into remission.

Our programmes also support the government’s current initiative of greater focus on education and awareness to help control the cost of health care. Education not medication means reducing NHS costs.

Experienced and Trusted: We are trusted by the NHS, and work with lots of organisations such as Councils, Charities, health professionals and employers in order to reach patients, communities and workforces.

• Over 500,000 patients educated nationwide on X-PERT programmes
• X-PERT has been commissioned by over 100 different organisations
• Potentially saving the NHS £367,000,000 through education not medication
• BAME programme participants over 25%
• Over 600 trained educators
• Over 100 centres offering X-PERT programmes

If you are interested in X-PERT services, please contact us at

Our X-PERT programmes

Can X-PERT help you?

Access, Inclusivity and Choice: We offer a range of delivery options to meet different needs, maximise access to education, and help challenge healthcare inequalities. Our structured group education is available face to face, online or digitally.

You can also buy our range of education services directly from us at our website shop:

  • Diabetes Programme Handbook
  • Weight & Wellbeing Programme Handbook
  • Online Group Programmes
  • Diabetes Digital Programme in 15 languages

Watch Adele’s Story

Let’s start with you

Quality and Consistency of Education: We are committed to the quality of our education. X-PERT programmes were co-created with patients to ensure they deliver a powerful, rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Group programme delivery is via weekly sessions which reinforce key messages, so people benefit from a superior learning experience and avoid information overload. With a greater understanding of diabetes, insulin and weight management participants are empowered to make more informed choices to transform their health and lifestyle.

Our programmes comply with and evidence the full set of NICE key criteria for implementation of structured education such as audit and quality assurance.


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