X-PERT Diabetes Stewart’s Journey

X-PERT Diabetes Stewart’s Journey

Have a read of Stewart’s journey on the X-PERT diabetes programme. Stewart who lives in Crawley, West Sussex who recently attended a X-PERT diabetes education programme.
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What did I get out of this course?

In three words – an amazing amount.

When I was first diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, I attended a course run by the NHS and tried to follow the recommendations as best I could. I reduced my sugar intake to a bare minimum and cut out fat totally. Basically, nothing changed. I could not lose weight and my blood glucose fluctuated a lot but never really decreased. I then attended an X-PERT course with a little scepticism (which is generally my nature). Well did I feel stupid. After 2 weeks I understood more about diabetes than I had done in 6 years. Everything was explained in a clear and concise way which made understanding very easy. Every session was different and very interesting to such an extent that I really looked forward to every new session knowing I was going to learn something new and very worthwhile.

The results of the course have been amazing. By following the recommendations of the course, I am losing on average of one Kilogram a week and my blood glucose level has stabilised to a level I’ve not seen since I was diagnosed. What is more, I am actually enjoying my diet and can’t see any reason to change it.

My only regret is that this course was not available 6 years ago as it has had enormous benefits for myself.

I would also like to add that our educator was exceptional. Her knowledge was amazing and no question went unanswered. Her approach to the course was also excellent, we were treated like adults and her enthusiasm for the subject was unbounded. This approach certainly seemed to transfer to all attendees with everyone inputting which again made the sessions so worthwhile and enjoyable.  Through this current lock down period, where group sessions are impossible, we can still follow the programme.

Of course, I would recommend this course to others. Why wouldn’t I. In my opinion if there is only one course diabetics should attend it is X-PERT. Anyone attending this course will understand how to combat diabetes and hopefully have their diabetes go into remission. I’m sure that everybody attending this course will get a lot out of it.

I am assuming by adopting the course the cost saving to the NHS will be huge by reducing the amount of medication and time spent with the nurse.  This course is a win win situation for both the NHS and all patients suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Sorry if I’ve rambled on about this course but having done the course, I feel rather passionate about it and would dearly love to see the NHS take it up as standard.


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