Call For People To Test Our New Digital Programme

Test Our New Digital Programme

This year we have translated our X-PERT Diabetes Digital App into 14 languages. This is a chance to deliver our education to individuals who are more confident using their first language. We need you to test our translations on the digital programme to ensure we have got it all correct before we officially launch.

Some communities have a higher prevalence of prediabetes/Type 2 diabetes and the associated health complications. Translating this education for harder to engage groups meets a real need.

Translation Leaflet

How can you help?

We are now looking to recruit people with prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes to test the translated App between 1st June 2021 and 31st August 2021 who speak and read: Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese, Nepali, Persian, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Tamil, Turkish & Urdu.

Testing the App to check the translation and experience is critical before we roll out nationally.

X-PERT Diabetes Digital App

If you have any patients who speak the above languages and who might help we would love to hear from you. If you would like more information please contact: or call 01422 847871.

Find out more about the diabetes digital programme here.

X-PERT Health


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