
Our group education programmes are a fun way of learning about and understanding diabetes or weight loss and wellbeing. Using visual aids and discovery learning we enable individuals to make their own informed decisions.

Each group is led by an X-PERT trained educator.  As part of the programme all participants receive their own extensive handbook.


Diabetes (Prevention and Management)

Suitable for anyone with pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, regardless of treatment.

Attending the X-PERT Diabetes programme will increase your knowledge, skills and understanding of your condition and help you to make lifestyle choices to manage your blood glucose levels more effectively. An overview of the X-PERT Diabetes Programme can be found here.

Speak with your GP or Diabetes Team to check if they deliver our X-PERT Diabetes Programme locally. You may need to be referred to receive an invitation to a free course or access to the X-PERT Diabetes Digital Programme App.

If your GP does not currently offer X-PERT education in your local area you can purchase the Diabetes Digital Programme App, or the X-PERT Diabetes Prevention & Management Handbook, or book on to a Remote Diabetes Group Programme via our very own website shop.


How Will I Benefit From Attending?

X-PERT Diabetes Programme

You will have the opportunity to explore how your body works and how lifestyle modifications may help to improve your diabetes control. The aim is not to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do, but to help and support you in setting realistic goals to address concerns that you may have with your lifestyle such as what you eat and how active you are. Possible benefits from attending are:

Lower blood glucose
Dispelling dietary myths allowing increased dietary freedom
Healthier eating
Increase carbohydrate awareness
Increased energy levels
Improved fitness
Improved wellbeing and quality of life
Lower blood pressure
Lower blood cholesterol
Weight loss if appropriate
Reduced risk of heart disease and other long-term condition
Learning to deal with illness


Find a local X-PERT centre

First Steps

A 2.5 hour one off taster session of the diabetes programme which will provide key information for diabetes self-management and a guide of what you can expect when participating in structured education.

You will learn: What happens on an X-PERT programme and what results you can achieve.

Click here for more information.

Speak with your GP or Diabetes Team to check if they deliver our X-PERT First Steps Programme locally.


Attending the X-PERT Insulin programme will increase your knowledge, skills and understanding of your condition and help you to make lifestyle choices to manage your blood glucose levels more effectively when using insulin. An overview of the X-PERT Insulin Programme can be found here.

People with Type 1 diabetes can attend the programme to learn more about how lifestyle factors can impact on blood glucose levels, however, you may require further support outside the programme for insulin dose adjustment, continuous glucose monitoring and other insulin essentials.

Speak with your GP or Diabetes Team to check if they deliver our X-PERT Insulin Programme locally.

How Will I Benefit From Attending?

You will have the opportunity to explore the management of diabetes whilst using insulin and learn all about the most up to date treatment options available. The aim is not to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do but support you in setting realistic goals to address concerns you may have regarding your lifestyle and insulin treatment. Possible benefits from attending are:

Improved blood glucose levels
Fewer hypos
Dispelling dietary myths allowing increased dietary freedom
Increased carbohydrate awareness
Healthier eating
Increased energy levels
Improved wellbeing and quality of life
Lower blood pressure
Lower blood cholesterol

Find a local X-PERT centre

Weight & Wellbeing

Healthier Lifestyle, Happier You!

The X-PERT Weight & Wellbeing course is a 12-week group education programme to support anyone who would like to lose weight or improve their health in general.

An empowering and fun programme that explores the most effective methods to lose weight and keep it off. On the course you will address concerns that you have with your lifestyle, such as with your diet and physical activity levels.

We passionately believe in quality education and in long-term sustainable behaviour change and not short-term diet or lifestyle fads. We look at health holistically, offering choices with flexible options. This approach delivers multiple benefits well beyond weight loss including improving sleep quality, stress management, relationship with food and preventing future health conditions.

This programme is Tier 2 Weight Management structured group education, and can be delivered face to face, or via remote online groups. Access is available via referral if we are locally commissioned (visit our centres page), or buy the printed Weight & Wellbeing Programme Handbook directly from us from our website shop.

How Will I Benefit From Attending?

X-PERT Weight & Wellbeing Programme

One size does not fit all. Our programmes offer choice with flexible and personalised options and solutions.

Benefits of attending the programme:

Losing weight and reduce your waist size
Adopt a healthier diet whilst also increasing enjoyment of food
Reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease
Become more active
Manage stress and sleep
Improve your relationship with food, to help make sure you only eat when you are actually hungry
Improved wellbeing and quality of life
Set goals that are personal and appropriate for you, and help you achieve them

Find out more

Behaviour Change Support Group

Struggling to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Have you already completed an X-PERT Health programme – Diabetes, Insulin or Weight (either read our books or attended a group with an educator), and want to make the best health choices and set yourself regular goals?

Try our 3 month online Behaviour Change Support Group for personal support of your long term health and wellbeing.

Each fortnightly group session will last for 1 hour, with a qualified Health Coach and a maximum group size of 6 participants. Sessions are usually held on Thursday evenings 6pm-7pm.

The sessions will be conducted via zoom, which is a free video application you will need to download.

What is the cost?

The 3 month programme costs £144.00 per person.


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